Yesterday, during my normal roaming around the interwebs, I was delighted to find that one of the sites had infected my computer with an awesome little bit of malware called Vista Internet Security. It's actually pretty slick, in a "fuck you and the horse you road in on" kind of way. You can read the whole explanation at the link above, but here's the gist of it. It installs itself and begins giving you notifications that your computer is infected with all kinds of mean shit. The fucked up part is that the warnings all look like legit Windows warnings; FUCK the thing calls itself VISTA INTERNET in Windows Vista, and it's icon looks just like the real Vista security icon. I told you it was slick.
Anyway, the truly fucked up part is that it stops you from browsing the internet, fucks with your real ant-virus software and, in my case, hijacked the extra browsers I have installed.
Well fuck me.
The solution is actually pretty simple if you know how to run apps as an admin in Windows Vista. It took all damn night though. So do yourself a favor go get Malwarebytes (or from here), install that shit and run a scan. I had 7 other rogue, piece of shit infected files along with the 12, that's right 12, that this fucking piece of shit installed.
On another note, I've been watching a lot of misheard lyrics videos on youtube lately. If you're not familiar with the internet phenomenom that is misheard lyrics I suggest you spend some time on youtube. Here are some of my favorites.
Crazy Indian Video...Buffalaxed (aka Benny Lava)
Pearl Jam - Yellow Ledbetter
Celine Dion says "Hot Dogs". First, let me say: "fuck this song in the ass"...but this shit is hilarious.
And one more for the road. I can't even describe how awesome this is. You have to see the end when they ask her what language that was. Fucking foreigners!
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